I was intrigued to read this story from a New Zealand newspaper, today, about a Scottish man who is trying to visit every place in the world with the word ‘mullet’ in its name (eg, Mullet Creek, Australia), and it reminded me of an idea I’d had a couple of months back.

There’s plenty of people out there undertaking similar odd travel adventures; from the fascinating – Ed Gillespie’s Slow Travel, an attempt to travel around the entire globe without flying; to the pointlessly dull – Winter’s mission to visit every Starbucks on the planet.

One that I particularly like is the Degree Confluence Project, a project whose goal is to “visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world” (obviously not by the same people). What I like most about it is being able to pick a random location in a country, to see what the terrain looks like.

My idea was far less interesting; it’s a slight play on the typical graduate student’s first trip to Europe, where they visit every capital city that they can fit in within two weeks, and then fly back home. Obviously this has been done ad-nauseum, and isn’t particularly interesting. Rather, as a resident of Australia’s second largest city, I’d like to visit every one of Europe’s second cities (preferably over a long period of time, so that I actually come away with memories of the town, rather than just the train ride in). It would certainly produce a unique set of towns to visit; Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Ã…rhus, Bergen, Gothenburg, Lyon, Geneva, Milan, Brno, Łódź and Debrecen, to name just a few of many.

I’d be interested to hear about other people’s ideas for travel themes.

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